

IIS7 Session problems – Worker Processes & Web Garden

by on sep.21, 2009, under Uncategorized

We’ve had huge problems with the testserver. It first felt like a cache problem, because when you updated the content and hit refresh several times, you saw the changes and then you didn’t. Also, pages that were dependant on session state were giving null expressions since the state was empty sometimes.

The problem was in the Application Pool. DefaultAppPool was for some odd reason by default set to 3 worker processes which makes it a web garden (used for load-balancing) and this caused the user to get the errors mentioned above, since only one of the worker process actually had a valid session, the others didn’t.


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EPiServer CMS5 Categories Dissapearing when saving

by on jun.05, 2009, under Uncategorized

One of our customers found a little annoying bug when publishing news to their page.

The bug goes as following:

News page type contains a few categories as well as an extra date field to point out the news date (in case you don’t want to use the publishing date and want to use your own) and it’s required as well.

You forget to fill out the news date,  but fill everything else up, including choosing which categories the news should belong too and then hit Save and Publish.

EPiServer will do a postback and warn you about not filling in the news date. If you at this moment check the categories, you’ll see that they are still clicked in, you fill in the date and hit save and publish once more.

The news will be posted but without the categories as EPiServer will lose the values on the postback but still show them as checked.

This is a verified bug from EPiServer and hopefully to be fixed in an upcoming version.

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Falknet.se, design tips for wordpress and much more

by on apr.15, 2009, under Uncategorized

I found this page through bloggy and would like to share it. Videoblogs regarding wordpress for designers and much more. Truly worth to follow.

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Hackers aiming for Mac, and Firefox having too many security issues

by on mar.06, 2009, under Uncategorized

IDG had two very interesting articles regarding the security issues of Firefox and Mac and mobile platforms being in the hackers aim from now on. There has always been a feeling of security using a mac cause ”the virus is for pc anyway” but that might change soon enough.

You can find the articles here and here, mind you, they are swedish.

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Spotify on iPhone and Linux

by on feb.27, 2009, under Uncategorized

One more reason for me to get me an iPhone.  Spotify is on the way for iPhones out there and that’s just something I know my HTC Diamond will never get.

Also, #hack.se has released their despotify which is an open source spotify client. This could cause problems but also open up new opportunities, for example letting linux based computers use this great service.

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Great Youtube movie: Signs

by on feb.23, 2009, under Uncategorized

Fantastic movie and the guy is a really good actor. One can seriously feel his anxiety.

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Webbased MSN, AIM, ICQ, Jabber and so on

by on feb.23, 2009, under Uncategorized

I’m truly impressed with Meebo.com. The page will give you access to pretty much every chat protocol out there. Since my Tele2 3g modem is totally worthless and I pretty much never get it to work, I needed to find a web based msn. A colleague of mine recomeded it and its truly easy to use. Other webbased msn always keep opening new windows for each chatwindow and its really slow aswell. Meebo simply opens the chatwindows within the page (which is pretty much like a desktop) and gives you a nice overview of them. There’s no slowdown either, it feels pretty much like a stand-alone client.

Thumbs up!

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Little info about Googles ”crash” on saturday

by on feb.03, 2009, under Uncategorized

Google is perfect, the people running it aren’t. Apperantly the bug they had was caused by a human error and therefor nothing wrong with Google itself. Atleast that’s what they say and most likely could be. Google also seemed to blame one of their partners but that wasn’t the case, it was just a bad written blogpost that made people think that way. Anyway, the error was as I said of a human kind here’s Googles explanation for what happened.

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Iceland Joining EU

by on jan.31, 2009, under Uncategorized

Well it’s about time innit? I think its awful what the icelandic people have been going through the last few months and I’m releaved that they’ll be joining EU and hopefully getting everything sorted. It’s a bit late and I’m dead tired but I couldn’t resist to post about this when I saw the headlines just when I was about to shut down the laptop.

Great news for Iceland and lets hope we can travel there easier (read cheaper) ’cause it’s a really fun place to be at 🙂 It might take awhile, I read 2011 somewhere but atleast its a glimpse of hope.

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Fishtank.. well, almost

by on jan.24, 2009, under Personal, Uncategorized

So we packed our things and went to Uppsala to buy a fishtank and fishes. The kids have been asking for fishes for a very long time and we ourselves wanted some too. We’ve been pretty close a few times but always backed down at the last minute for the very same reason each time and one would think that we would’ve remembered that reason for this time but we didn’t and were close to once again back down. The reason is simple and logical but still easy to forget. The thing is that we want to go in and come home with fishes, but having no tank and needing to buy a tank means that it will take atleast a week to make the right atmosphere for the fishes in the tank. Then we can buy a few, then next week a few more and so forth.

Well, this time we went for it 🙂 We bought a 54l tank, some plants, gravle and some stuff that we need to put in the water. I’ll post some pictures while we’re washing all the gravel and setting it up.

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