
Tag: Bug

EPiServer CMS5 Categories Dissapearing when saving

by on jun.05, 2009, under Uncategorized

One of our customers found a little annoying bug when publishing news to their page.

The bug goes as following:

News page type contains a few categories as well as an extra date field to point out the news date (in case you don’t want to use the publishing date and want to use your own) and it’s required as well.

You forget to fill out the news date,  but fill everything else up, including choosing which categories the news should belong too and then hit Save and Publish.

EPiServer will do a postback and warn you about not filling in the news date. If you at this moment check the categories, you’ll see that they are still clicked in, you fill in the date and hit save and publish once more.

The news will be posted but without the categories as EPiServer will lose the values on the postback but still show them as checked.

This is a verified bug from EPiServer and hopefully to be fixed in an upcoming version.

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