

Having problems with iPad/iPhone and Gmail

by on sep.13, 2011, under iPad, iPhone

All of a sudden, my iPad was giving me the error that my gmail account had the wrong password. I paniced ofcourse and thought that my password had been compromised, but after checknig a few times with safari and my iPhone, I realized that my iPad was just being mean to me.

I tried to retype the password, delete and recreate the account but nothing really helped. After googling for a bit, I finally found the solution on Apples Support site.

So all you need to do is visit the link there and it will take you to ”Display Unlock Captcha”. Doing this removed the annoying ”lock” I had and my iPad is once again being nice to me and lettnig me check my mail.

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latest iPad app purchase: Animation Desk

by on maj.05, 2011, under Applications, Fun, iPad

I was a bit bored during the weekend and I saw an add that caught my attention. The add was regarding Animation Desk for the iPad which basically lets you do some fun simple animations.

About the app:

As stated above, it let’s you do some simple animations (well.. depends on the person behind the pen I guess) and is actually a good bit of fun. Not only for the kids but pretty much for everyone. I was having a laugh while doing very…. sophisticated animations. Animation Desk let’s you see what’s drawn in the two last ”piece of paper” to let you make more accurate animations. You can of course duplicate the paper (well, layer) and then change that one to make the animation look smooth. You get different size pencils and colors and a good overview of the canvas when using ”fullscreen”.

The verdict:

Its fun but it does lack some features. Smaller animations would be great to export to a .gif and not only movies. I wish also that you could ”move” what you’ve drawn. That would make animations more easy (moving backgrounds for example) but other than that, it fills its purpose.

Rate: 3 out 5 and the reason it doesn’t get a four is just simply because it doesn’t really make you urge to make an animation. But if you’re into doing animations, then I’m pretty sure you’ll find this better.


What would a short review be without a sample? (might not be visible since it’s on facebook. dunno if it’s ”locked” to my profile or not)

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