
Tag: Firefox

Hackers aiming for Mac, and Firefox having too many security issues

by on mar.06, 2009, under Uncategorized

IDG had two very interesting articles regarding the security issues of Firefox and Mac and mobile platforms being in the hackers aim from now on. There has always been a feeling of security using a mac cause ”the virus is for pc anyway” but that might change soon enough.

You can find the articles here and here, mind you, they are swedish.

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Firefox, the Add-ons I can’t live without.

by on jan.26, 2009, under Developing

From now on I’ll be sitting at our customers office during an episerver upgrade and with that comes a newly installed computer that needs to be customized for my likings. First things first and that is to install firefox. I just can’t work without it. Then the six add-ons that I install at once.

Web Developer: Because without it it would be a nightmare to do frontend job
Firebug: Because without this one it would be even worse! Firebug will let you fiddle around as much as you want with the elements of the page, aswell as show you the classes and what might be causing the errors you’re trying to find.
Yslow: Perfect add-on that will let you see a good overview over the items being loaded and the time it takes to load them up.
All-in-one Gestures: Once you start, you can’t stop. I love mouse gestures, they speed up things so much and are just so comfortable to use. The only downside is to use browsers that don’t support them and you keep rightclicking like a fool until you notice that it wont open up a new tab.
adblock plus: Cause I hate all ads. I truly truly do.
FireFTP: Perfect ftp client embedded to firefox. Best part is if you need to edit documents, you can just open them up with your favourite editor and when you save the document, it uploads it at once so there’s no need for you to click ”upload” or anything once you’ve done your changes. I’m sure that other ftp clients support this but its always some setting that you have to find. This is by default and I simply love it.

There are many more add-ons that are worth installing but these ones are just simply the ones I cannot be without. Actually, there is one more that would make it the seventh must have add-on. That is HTML Validator. But since its PC only it wont really make my must-have list. But if you’re on a PC, its really well worth the download

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