
Tag: Mac OSX

Boot camp 2.1 wont install

by on sep.02, 2009, under Applications

I’ve been working with VMWare running WinXP for a year now but now it’s feeling a bit too slow so I’ve decided to run vista native on my macbook pro.  (will upgrade to vista7 later on).

First problem was that Boot Camp assistant couldn’t create a partition for windows since it couldn’t move some of the files. The ”best” solution seems to be to run time machine and recover. That way it will defrag the harddrive and let you create the partition.

Second problem was the drivers. I’ve installed Vista SP2 and boot camp2.0 didn’t really work as intended. Neither the trackpad nor fn button was working properly, so I had to install 2.1 as soon as possible. Problem is that the installation just pops up and nothing happens.

I’ve runned into two solutions for this problem.


Try the following:

1) run: regedit.exe

2) search for: Boot Camp Services
the key should be: ProductName

3) change in the same path, the Language key to: 1033

4) run the installer again

I didn’t really try this one out at though but most people say it works.

Second way:

Change your region to English(US)
Uninstall Boot camp 2.0
Install Boot camp 2.0
Install Boot camp 2.1

Yes, it’s annoying. Yes, it takes time. But now it’s done and finally I’m running Boot camp 2.1. (restarting as I’m typing this). Just hope that trackpad and fn key will work now 😛

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