
Tag: Customize

Customizing the PasswordRecovery Control .Net

by on feb.19, 2009, under Developing

The PasswordRecovery control is very handy and you can pretty much use it out of the box. But the design might not fit in your site and the styles provided by the control itself might not be what you need. But it’s rather easy to customize the way you want it too. I posted earlier how you could set a PasswordRecovery up and here we’ll look how we can customize it a bit further more.

Here’s an example

[sourcecode language=’html’]


There are three templates to customize, usernametemplate, successtemplate and questiontemplate.  If nothing is changed the control will render a table which you can customize with the help of the inbuilt styles. But I reckon that it’s better to have full control on how you are rendering things.  Basicly, you can take any of the ”xxxxxText” properties and make a literal or label out of it, just take away the Text part. e.g. UserNameTitleText is aquired by giving a literal/label the id of UserNameTitle and so forth (see the code above).  The properties you might want to add is the success and failure text. Remember to add a literal for the failure text. The ID for UserNameFailure is FailureText. Also, last but not least, the button must have the CommandName ”Submit” or else it won’t work.

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