
Justin Timberlake – SNL – Mother Lover, finally a watchable video

by on maj.28, 2009, under Fun

NBC and youtube aint best friends, that’s no suprise. After Youtube posted some NBC videos they deleted their youtube channels and you will find it hard to find any NBC videos on youtube. Quite a shame since its free commercial for NBC but that’s not the point with this post.

Have you watch ”Dick in a box”? if not, then click here and go watch it first. Justin and Adam went and made a second video and this one is as funny as it gets 🙂 Only problem is that it’s quite hard to find a watchable video since NBC is killing it on youtube and their site requires you to be a US citizen. But Sevenload has saved the day. So enjoy!

Link: Mother Lover Justin Timberlake-Saturday Night Live

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2 Comments for this entry

  • Laurie Lafayette

    It looks like Justin Timberlake is trying to prove that his and Jessica Biel’s relationship is still strong. I do think he looked happier together with his ex – Cameron Diaz however.

  • Melvin Waffle

    Lucky Justin Timberlake having the best seats at last Sunday’s NBA finals. I wanted tickets however it was $400 for even the worst seats.

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