
Fifa09 Ultimate Team, how it works and my current team.

by on mar.26, 2009, under Gaming

Fifa has released an addon to Fifa 09 called Ultimate Team. I have to say that it is by far one of the most fun things I’ve played, period. Why? Because not only do you get to create your own team, you get to collect cards, just like when I was a little kid. I actually feel like buying a new collecting album and fill it up but they dont sell them this days… but maybe for EM? 🙂

Anyway, you get to build your own team and you have to think about different things to make your team work well together. You can’t just put up 11 of the best players in the world cause they might play worse than a two star team. Why? Chemistry ladies and gentlemen, chemistry.The players prefered formation, nationality, position and morale all affect the chemistry. Players have contracts that are actually amount of games they can play. A contract lenght of 4 means 4 games. So you’ll need to collect Contract cards. You also need staff to improve your players and they also need contract renewel. You can improve players and also heal them when they get injured.

When you play games, you get rewarded with coins. Winning, good stats, finishing a game and so forth will give you coins. The better you play the more coins you get and with these coins you buy your packs.

And this is my current team:

Ultimate Team

Ultimate Team

Very sweet edition. I just got Erik Edman in a bargain so now I’ve three swedish defenders, pushing up my chemistry to 67 😀


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