
The first one is always the hardest

by on jan.15, 2009, under Uncategorized

Among many of my joys, you can find the love to marvel comics. Recently they made a new comic called Wolverine and the X-Men and it’s really entertaining, I do recommend it if you fancy Marvel. Anyway, their plane was kinda smashed and when it was fixed, the lad that fixed it was really anxious about them taking off with it. Wolverine then takes up his claw and makes this huge scratch on the side of it, the poor lad screams and ask why in earth he did that.

”The first one is always the hardest, might aswell get it over with and now you wont worry about it”

Oh so true that is. Imagine the first day at a new job, first day at school, first date, first time you screw up and the first post on a blog…. its hard 😛

Hopefully, I’ll fill this place up with decent content. The idea is to post quite a lot about developing (specially since I’m going to develope an episerver5 based on vb.net and I’m more than sure that I’ll find a lot of problems which might be interesting to post about), gaming and some personal stuff.

Some posts might pop up in swedish but I’ll just take it as it comes.

Now that I’m done with the install (which was painfully easy!) I’ll goof around and see what widgets and more stuff I can find for wordpress and play some FM09. Oh… and change my old blogs and so forth. With that comes twitter, facebook, Jaiku and so on and so forth.



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